The definition of good artificial intelligence varies depending on who you are and why you are using it. If you are a large business looking to save money by replacing employees with AI systems then ‘good A.I.’ is anything which can replace an employee and perform in a way that is acceptable to the business. If you are a student then ‘good A.I.’ may be an online service which can write an essay for you without getting flagged for plagiarism. If you aren’t looking to save money or cheat then ‘good A.I.’ may be something like a better Google algorithm that provides you with the most relevant results for your search.
Like most modern inventions, Artificial Intelligence is open to exploitation, misuse, profiteering, cheating and all manner of dastardly uses.
Opinions on AI are particularly subjective as it is something that has the ability to save time and money, but in many cases that may be at the cost of people who were previously carrying out tasks which A.I. is now being taught to do.
Back to the subject of good A.I. though. I’ve just set this blog up using WordPress and it has given me a host of A.I. options which I would consider to be good. Things such as an A.I. ‘writing assistant’ which can provide suggestions on how to improve the search engine performance of the article I am writing. This is something that is useful and if I was to use it I wouldn’t be cheating someone out of a job as writing and SEO are services that I have simply never hired anyone to do. To me, this is an example of A.I. being truly useful without any major downsides.
I approach the subject of A.I. as someone who hasn’t studied it or made any specific use of it. To me (a computer programmer since 1981) it looks like a logic engine that can learn new things. I don’t understand exactly how it ‘learns’ but will hope to do that as I spend more time looking at what A.I. is all about.